Cook Islands updates the MLC Hours of Work and Rest Recordation Tool

03 December 2021 |  C21040

Following Dromon C18054 and the release of the updated MLC Work Rest Tool (WR Tool) by Cook Islands Flag, this circular wish to reminded interested parties on the application of this tool.

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Surveyors/Auditors

In order to simplify the correct application of the MLC Regulation 2.3 – Hours of work and hours of rest – and in order to prevent non-conformities raised by external auditors or Port State Control, the Maritime Cook Islands strongly recommend you employ the attached MLC Work Rest Tool (WR Tool) which will allow you to monitor MLC hours of work and rest.

In application of the MLC standards, each vessel shall take account of the danger posed by the fatigued seafarers, especially those who’s duties involve navigational safety and the safe and secure operation of the ship. It is therefore, in the common interest of all the parties involved, to ensure the limits fixed by the Regulation 2.3 of the MLC are complied with.

The attached tool gives you a tool to monitor the hours worked on board and will help to identify immediately any inability to comply with the MLC Regulation 2.3.

The use of the MLC Work Rest Tool

The file is password protected– ensuring the formulas and layout of the tool remain in tact. In the first sheet you can fill the vessel and seaman details, that automatically will be reported in all pages. You have also a sheet “sample” as guideline of filling.

The hours shall be indicated with the following letters:

“w” means working hours

“r” means rest hours

“n” means neutral hours (this letter shall be used in case of more than two rest periods in one day, in application of the rule 2.3.6 “hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods, one of which shall be at least six hours in length, and the interval between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours”).

The WR Tool has been updated to reflect the year 2022 but you can start to use it from December 2021, to give continuity with the upcoming year.

A “sample” sheet is available here, as a guideline of how to complete the table.

Act now

Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators of vessels flying Cook Islands flag should utilize this tool to ensure compliance.  MLC Inspectors are requested to confirm at upcoming inspections (irrespective of scope) that Cook Island ships have utilized this tool and if this is not the case report alternative methods to comply.

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