Established in 2003, we have grown to be among the leading engineering service providers with the objective of protecting the environment and life at sea.

Our core services consist:

  1. Classification of ships and other marine structures
  2. Statutory certification
  3. Verification services under various environmental schemes
  4. Independent engineering services

Our extensive experience in assessing the design and construction of ships and other marine related structures has established DBS as one of the leading independent classification societies.

The efficiency and performance of DBS is based on the skills and competency of its people. Through our research and development we ensure continues technical knowledge and updating that focus on our mission to be meet the needs of our clients and at the same time be beneficial to the community.

We maintain a Quality Management System, assessed and registered against ISO 9001, ISO 17020, ISO 14065 and ISO 45001 standards.  The system covers classification of ships and other marine structures, statutory certification services on behalf of flag States and verification services under various environmental schemes.