- September 4, 2017
- 2017
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Celebrating the World Maritime Day
04 September 2017 | C17035
On 28th of September 2017 the maritime community celebrates the World Maritime Day. This year theme is “Connecting Ships, Ports and People”.
Ship Owners/ Managers/ Operators | Flag Administrations | Surveyors | Verifiers/ Validators
In accordance with the International Maritime Organization, the theme was adopted to build on the World Maritime Day theme for 2016, “Shipping: indispensable to the world”, by focusing on helping IMO Member States to develop and implement maritime strategies to invest in a joined-up, interagency approach that addresses the whole range of issues, including the facilitation of maritime transport, and increasing efficiency, navigational safety, protection of the marine environment, and maritime security.
In this way, IMO will be contributing to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are a broad response to the challenges facing the world today – increasing world population; climate change; threats to the environment; unsustainable exploitation of natural resources; threats to food security; societal threats posed by organized criminals and violent extremists; and instability leading to mixed migration.
Ultimately, more efficient shipping, working in partnership with a port sector supported by governments, will be a major driver towards global stability and sustainable development for the good of all people.
For more information on this year’s theme click here.
Parallel Event 2017
The 2017 World Maritime Day Parallel Event will be held in Panama, from 01st to 03rd October 2017.
The Minister of Maritime Affairs of Panama, Mr Jorge Barakat Pitty, at his message, stated: “Our country plays a very important role in the world economy, as we are the seat of the main ports in Latin America, due to the Panama Canal and for being the biggest Flag State, with 18% of the world merchant fleet flying our national flag. Precisely, this celebration of the World Maritime Day Parallel Event coincides with the celebration of the Centennial of our International Ship Registry which was created in the year 1917.
Panama opens its arms to the oceans so from them ships arrive in our ports with goods to be transshipped to other ships or to land transportation, or as final destination, so that these are delivered to the final consignee, the people.”
Message from IMO Secretary-General, Mr Kitack Lim
In his message the IMO Secretary-General stresses out the importance of IMO’s role as the global regulator of the shipping industry that can enhance the integration – as consistent, uniform regulation facilitates the free flow of commerce. As stated in his message: “Throughout the year, we will highlight the importance of ‘joined-up’ maritime development across all sectors, both from a policy and a practical perspective. The benefits of a free and efficient flow of goods and trade extend far beyond the ships and ports themselves – and we will show how an effective interface between them can improve the lives of people everywhere, especially in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. This year, with our theme of “Connecting ships, ports and people” we aim to make a strong contribution towards these objectives – and I hope that you will join us, with your own activities and initiatives under this World Maritime Day theme for 2017”.
Below you may find the full IMO Secretary-General message.
World Maritime Day Logo
For the purposes of promotion of the World Maritime Day, IMO has developed a logo which we invite all to incorporate under their email signatures for the month of September 2017.