Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC) Implementation Requirements

EU releases FAQ for EU MRV Regulation

SOPEP and SMPEP list of national operational contact points

#PSC_Notification 003 / Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on Fire Safety

Dromon has been accepted as data-provider to Equasis

Unified Interpretations relating to the application of SOLAS

Renewal IOPP Survey prior the entry into force of the BWM Convention on September 08, 2017.

IMMARBE requires an Occasional Survey Program for vessels trading in the Paris MoU

DBS is among the first accredit EU MRV Verification Bodies

Guidance on the validity of radio communication equipment installed and used on board ships

Revised Unified Interpretation of SOLAS Regulation III/31.1.4

Guidelines for onboard sampling for the verification of the Sulphur Content of the Fuel Oil